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Dissidia Final Fantasy NT reviews round-up, all the scores

Dissidia Final Fantasy NT was released earlier this week, and enough critics have played it to warrant a reviews round-up.

Dissidia Final Fantasy NT was released on PlayStation 4 January 30, and now that critics have had ample time to play the 3v3 combat action title, scores have started to pop up.

Since review codes weren’t provided, scores have been slow rolling out. That said, there still aren't too many reviews out in the wild, but we expect more to land next week.

While we’ve already spend some time with the game through the beta and press events, we’ll still provide our final thoughts on Dissidia Final Fantasy NT once we’ve spent more time with the full release.

If you're just now diving into the game, be sure to check out our Dissidia Final Fantasy NT guide. It contains all sorts of lovely starter tips, a quick launch character reference, team composition information, how to summon, HP, bravery attacks and more.

Dissidia Final Fantasy NT was developed by Team Ninja and is exclusive to PlayStation 4.

Reviews scores listed below are based out of ten unless noted.



  • God is a Geek - review in progress: It’s entirely possible that the grind for memoria is improved immensely through playing online, but, at the time of writing I have been unable to play a single match. Because of this, I do not feel I am in a place to pass a score. Once I’ve managed to properly test playing online I’ll update the review accordingly.
  • Eurogamer (no score): This isn't the Dissidia you may well already know, but once you're over that disappointment, there is at least something worthwhile in its stead. If you're willing to see past some of its more glaring flaws and through its unwelcoming veneer, it's a game of considerable depth and charm.

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