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Disney Infinity sales dip results in Disney Interactive revenue die off

Disney Infinity sales dried up last quarter, and Disney Interactive really felt it.

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Disney Interactive recorded a $58 million quarter-on-quarter revenue decrease for the quarter ending June 27 2015. Operating income also dipped.

The division broke even, but it's still a nasty shock; Disney's Interactive division has been doing tremendously well since Disney Infinity drove it to its first profit in six years.

As you'd expect, given the division's almost total reliance on a single title, Disney Infinity was fingered as the culprit.

"Lower operating income was primarily due to lower results from Disney Infinity and decreased sales of console game catalog titles," the company reported, according to GamesIndustry.

"The decrease from Disney Infinity was due to decreased unit sales and lower average net effective pricing."

The situation is almost certainly temporary and sales should pick back up when the Star Wars-heavy Disney Infinity 3.0 releases later in the year, before the all-important holiday period.

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