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DC Universe Online Sons of Trigon adds Celestial power

The eighth DLC expansion for DC Universe Online is due this month. Called Sons of Trigon, it has players marshalling behind either Wonder Woman or Circe.

Shack News reports the story follows directly from Sins of the Father, with Trigon having escaped into an alternate version of Gotham City with this three sons.

Both sides of the factional divide are determined to put down the demon.

As well as the new story content, the expansion adds an 11th power, Celestial, a healing tree which comes in Blessing or Cursed flavours.

Finally, Original Wonder Girl Donna Troy and Cheetah will be added to PvP roster.

DCUO'S Sons of Trigon is due in northern autumn on PC and PlayStation 3, and has not been priced, but will be free to Legendary members.

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