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Chillingo co-founder departures have "no direct impact on the business," says COO

Chillingo's co-founders Joe Wee and Chris Byatte may have left EA, but COO Ed Rumley has stressed that their departure has had "no direct impact on the business."

We reported on the Chillingo departures earlier this week. Hit the link to see the official statement.

Now, Rumley has told MCV that he is overseeing the reinvention of the brand.

He explained, "The departure of Joe and Chris has no direct impact on the business. Chillingo continues to thrive. Developers inquire with us daily about our publishing services and how we can help their games succeed. In fact, we're proud to have two of our recently launched titles, Ninja Theory's Fightback and HolyWaterGames' Feed Me Oil 2, earn Apple's Editors' Choice recognition in the past two consecutive weeks. Our 100% Indie initiative is also doing extremely well at connecting mobile game developers with Samsung."

On his own focus, Rumley added, "I've served as Chillingo's COO since 2012 and spent several months reviewing our organisation. I am extremely proud of our team who are not only gamers at heart but also experts in their respective areas.

"They are passionate about creating fun games that players can enjoy. Our producers will continue to collaborate with developers to polish up games; product managers will advise on monetisation strategies, our PR and marketing team will promote all the unique aspects of each game and our business development team will strive to seek new opportunities for developers and their titles across multiple platforms. I am also now spearheading our 100% Indieinitiative with Samsung, which has brought a number of fantastic titles to their devices."

What do you make of the departures? Let us know below.

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