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Check out what makes Kinect do the things it does

kinect - wall-e!!!!!!

Wanna know what's the insides of Kinect look like? You're in luck then.

Over on ifixit , Kinect has been opened up, showing the hardwired-insides. Sexy.

Here's what he site fond upon prying the device open -mind you they did it gently:

  • 64 MB of Hynix DDR2 SDRAM
  • A Prime Sense PS1080-A2. Kinect is based on Prime Sense's motion detection technology. This chip is the Kinect's brains-all the sensors are wired into here for processing before transmitting a refined depth map and color image to the Xbox
  • A fan. For a 12-watt device, Microsoft seems very paranoid about heat dissipation. This is understandable considering the Xbox 360's red-ring-of death problems. This is a good thing for consumers, but we can't help but wonder if they've gone overboard in the cooling department.
  • A motor. This motor is nothing to write home about. It's quite tiny. Diminutive, even. So tiny that you might want to make sure you keep Kinect out of your toddler's reach, because forcing it to pan could damage the gears.
  • A three-axis accelerometer. We suspect this is used to increase the accuracy of the panning motor.
  • Four microphones. Four! We've taken apart binaural devices before, but this is our first quadaural sensor setup
  • Two cameras (infrared CMOS and color CMOS) and an IR projector.

Kinect is out in the US today, and in the UK next week.

Via Kotaku.

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