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CG Enslaved movie was pitched at one point, says Ninja Theory


Ninja Theory boss Tameem Antoniades has revealed a CG movie of Enslaved was pitched to Hollywood studios.

But he told D'Toid that it ended up being rejected by all of them.

"We were serious about it. We went to all the big studios in Hollywood and pitched the idea," said Antoniades.

He added that the studios didn't understand the concept of rendering the scenes for the movie in real time.

"They have no idea of what real time means. They just care about how good it looks."

Antoniades continues: "Then, the fact that you say you can do this for cheap has no interest to studios whatsoever because they don’t want to do it for cheap. They want Pixar and the other higher end [studios] to do it for 100 million dollars or 60 million dollars."

An Enslaved movie wouldn't be far from the button, innit. Film writer Alex Garland, who wrote 28 Days Later, penned the game's story, while Lord of the Rings' Andy Serkis voices main character Monkey.

Enslaved: Odyssey to the West releases on October 8 for PS3 and 360 in the UK.

The demo is out now on PSN and Xbox Live.

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