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Call of Duty: Infinite Warfare live stream recap

The live stream reveal for Call of Duty: Infinite Warfare premiered this evening. Here's what you missed.

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Call of Duty: Infinite Warfare live stream recap

The first trailer for Call of Duty: Infinite Warfare dropped earlier today, and since then, we've learned a bit more about Activision's upcoming title, such as the futuristic setting, and travelling into space, which is certainly a first for the franchise.

Here's what we learned from the live stream.

Infinity Ward's Taylor Kurosaki and Jacob Minkoff kicked things off by talking about the campaign.

The motivation for taking the franchise to space was something the entire team was behind.

"The world is dependent on resources from outposts throughout the solar system," says Kurosaki. This climate is ripe for war, and the Settlement Defense Front is the fascist group that wants to take control of all of these outposts to gain a stranglehold on Earth's economy.

Combat will take place both on Earth, and in space, with zero G dogfights where players can find themselves grappling onto the outside of spacecraft, trying to avoid getting frazzled to a crisp by the sun.

Production was compared to episodic TV shooting, which allows the team to get to know the characters as they progress, developing a stronger narrative. The voice acting will be much more realistic as recording booths were scrapped in favour of motion capture - mo cap suits, wireless mics, and helmet-mounted cameras were used to lend more authenticity to the story. This dynamic method is similar to what we've seen with the Uncharted franchise.

Moving on to multiplayer, Joe Cecot, multiplayer designer, shared a few tid bits about the maps. We'll be battling on earth, in space and even on the surface of other planets.

There are a bunch of new mechanics we can look forward to as well, including lethals and tacticals, while also alluding to the prospect of dogfights in space.

Project director, Brian Bright, confirmed that for the fist time ever, Infinity Ward are doing zombies. The zombie mode will take place in a separate universe to that of Infinite Warfare, and is described as "truly unique and different."

And for the lovers of Easter Eggs, Bright teased that they would be taking Easter Eggs "one step further" than what we've seen so far throughout the series. We even got a cheeky look at the first one.

infinite warfare zombie easter egg

Speculate on that, if you will.

For now, we're looking towards E3 for our next big reveal for Infinite Warfare.

Call of Duty: Infinite Warfare is set for release on November 4, for PC, PS4, and Xbox One. It's available to order on amazon right now.

Modern Warfare Remastered will be included with the Legacy Edition and Digital Legacy Edition, the Digital Deluxe Edition, and Legacy Pro Edition.

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