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Black Ops 3 PS3 and Xbox 360 dev targeting 30fps

Call of Duty: Black Ops 3 won't run at 60fps on older hardware. Sorry.

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Call of Duty games have traditionally targeted and mostly hit 60fps, but last-gen port developer Beenox says Black Ops 3 won't manage it on PlayStation 3 and Xbox 360.

Beenox creative director Thomas Wilson told Develop the studio had a go at 60fps but it proved "challenging".

"We’re basically looking more at something like 30fps," he said.

The PlayStation 3 and Xbox 360 versions have already completely ditched the co-op-optional story campaign, but it seems Treyarch's current-gen vision is just too ambitious for the old consoles. If you're interested, Wilson has some comments on how Beenox has managed to get the shooter running on last-gen hardware at all; hit the link above for details.

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