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BioWare: Fan feedback a big part of Mass Effect

BioWare founders Ray Muzyka and Greg Zeshuk have said fan feedback is a very important part of the Mass Effect franchise's development process.

"We responded to the fan feedback for Mass Effect 2, a lot of that came directly from listening to the fans and trying to address the comments they had to make the game even better," Muzyka said in an interview with IGN.

"And we're gonna take all that feedback from Mass Effect 1 and Mass Effect 2 and apply it to Mass Effect 3 … I think the best is yet to come"

"We were actually more than happy to do small directional changes along the way," Zeshuk chimed in. "As Ray said largely for feedback reasons.

"It's actually great to get feedback to improve what you've made.

"I think we never really had to compromise on anything," he added.

Zeshuk outlined some expected changes for Mass Effect 3 based on fan responses.

"Some of the elements that we've talked about is 'Hey, look, we're gonna re-explore some of the whole research and inventory and all that kind of stuff' … that's probably one of the areas.

"And hey, I'll say it for the camera, I love the planet scanning. But apparently other people don't like it as much. There's always something to work on."

As a special, can't-justify-headlining-this bonus, Muzyka pretty much confirmed again that the series will continue beyond Mass Effect 3, referring to the trilogy as "the initial three games", and at another point, mentioning all three games by title and adding "and moving on from there".

Watch the full interview below.

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