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Beyond Good & Evil 2 is still in pre-production, 13 years after the original game's release

Beyond Good & Evil 2 may not be as imminent as we dared to hope after recent teases. Don't hold your breath.

We all got got very excited recently when creator Michel Ancel shared a seemingly Beyond Good & Evil-related image, apparently with Ubisoft's blessing, later following up with a second Beyond Good & Evil teaser image.

Today we have both good and bad news thanks to the release of a third teaser image along with the comment "Endangered species - now saved - Game in pre-production - Stay tuned".

Endangered species - now saved - Game in pre-production - Stay tuned !

A photo posted by Michel Ancel (@michelancel) on

On the one hand: these teases taken together with Ancel's latest comment certainly make it sound like Ubisoft has finally given Beyond Good & Evil 2 the formal greenlight to go ahead.

On the other hand, if the project is only in pre-production it almost certainly won't be the NX launch title we were all hoping for, so we'll all need to be patient. Furthermore, moving into formal pre-production does not necessarily mean Beyond Good & Evil 2 will actually make it to release; games are cancelled in pre-production (and even during full production) all the time, and Ubisoft is clearly in no rush on this one.

As anybody who's followed the Beyond Good & Evil 2 saga so far will know, Ancel and his team at Ubisoft Montpelier produced and released numerous materials related to the project over the years, and Ubisoft has been very coy about saying yes or no to actually getting it out the door.

I'm not saying you should shelve your hopes - just that it's not yet time to mark Beyond Good & Evil 2 on the release calendar.

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