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Before the reboot, this is what Doom looked like

Doom was a very, very different game before it was rebooted back in 2013.


The new Doom, or Doom 4 as it was tentatively referred by everyone ever, had quite a different vision to what was shown at QuakeCon recently. The latter is what we'll be playing.

But what about the former? Bethesda being Bethesda, we never actually got to see anything from the earlier project, we only found out when it was cancelled and rebooted.

Fansite Doomworld leaked a few images, and one video, showing a brown, gritty, modern-ish take on the Doom formula. Although we may never get to play it, the footage couldn't look more generic.

The video below is the work of cinematics director Mark Bristol, who is no longer with developer id Software.

And here are a few screengrabs:

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