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Axe of the Blood God: Nadia and Kat Build Their Ultimate RPG Teams

PODCAST | Nadia and Kat start the show with some nice, calming Undertale talk, then get all fired up over custom RPG parties.

This article first appeared on USgamer, a partner publication of VG247. Some content, such as this article, has been migrated to VG247 for posterity after USgamer's closure - but it has not been edited or further vetted by the VG247 team.

Axe of the Blood God is our weekly RPG podcast hosted by Kat Bailey and Nadia Oxford. You can find the previous episodes here.

In this week's episode of Axe of the Blood God (download link here), we talk a bit about Undertale's release on the PlayStation 4 and PS Vita, and why Toby Fox's unconventional RPG is still charming the pants off fans two years after its initial release.

Once that's out of the way, Kat and I build our ultimate RPG parties using characters from RPGs released across the decades. What's more important? Power, skills, or fireside chemistry? Let's discuss this. It's really important.

Oh, and we comb through some of the (many) responses we got to our last episode. Man, you guys turn into a bunch of Talky Tinas when I go on vacation!

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Show Description

What party would Kat and Nadia build if they could take any character from any RPG ever? That's what they explore in this week's episode of Axe of the Blood God! (18:00). Also, Nadia recounts her trip to Otakon, the pair praise Undertale (6:45), and they read comments from last week's deep dive into RPG battle systems! (48:16)

Music from Axe of the Blood God is courtesy of Lena Chappelle, who has also contributed the themes to Active Time Babble and Roleplayers' Realm. I also use music from the RPG Music Pack over at Check it out!

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