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After 20 years Play magazine announces its last print issue

From now on, it's digital only.

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Play magazine announces last print issue after 20 years

Play has been the longest-running PlayStation magazine in the UK, and after 20 years and 269 issues, it is no more.

Before you slump to your knees and start blubbing, don't panic. You'll still be able to get it digitally on your phone or tablet over at Great Digital Mags.

We reached out to Editor Luke Albigés, who reflected on his time at the magazine and its digital future.

"Like many who previously sat in this chair (well, probably a different chair, but you get the point), I grew up with Play. I read the mag, put my trust in its reviews in spending what little cash I had as a youngling and enjoyed watching the mag grow and evolve as Sony built its PlayStation empire. To be offered the chance to work on the mag was, therefore, a genuine privilege, and to eventually be able to run it an honour.

"It's sad to think that in a month's time, that iconic masthead will no longer be seen on newsstands, but we'll live on in digital form – I'd like to think that those who have enjoyed our mag over the years will be happy to continue to do so on their phones and tablets. It's not the same as having that papery treat in your hands, I know, but times, markets and consumption habits change and we need to change too to keep up with them."

The last print issue is available to buy now and is described as "a love letter to all things PlayStation". You can pick it up at a newsagents, or online at Imagine Shop. If you've been an avid reader of the magazine, chime in below to share your favourite memories.

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