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Battlefield 1 Elite Classes guide – Tank Hunter, Sentry, Flame Trooper and more

Learn all about these major death bringers.


Thanks to its World War 1 setting, Battlefield 1 has a serious chance to change some things up in its multiplayer, and developers DICE seem to have seized the opportunity. While the broad strokes of the classes in Battlefield 1 might seem familiar to most shooters, there's a fair bit that's different about them.

One major difference in the game is the addition of Elite Classes. These are character classes that you can't select on spawn, but they can be found out on the battlefield at certain intervals within a match. These classes are extremely powerful, with every single one boasting impressive and deadly firepower and several classes also able to take a significant beating from regular fire. These are the people where when you see them in a fight it might be better to retreat and some up with a new strategy.

We're very familiar with the first three Elite Classes thanks to Battlefield 1's beta where the three were featured on the Sinai Desert map, but there are more elite classes besides in the full game and we'll keep this page updated as a result. Here's what you need to know about the Elite Classes in Battlefield 1 and their equipment.

Remember that for even more help with Battlefield 1 you can hit up our definitive guide hub page, which has just about everything you need to know in one place.


Battlefield 1 Elite Classes: Sentry

The Sentry Elite Class has a massive machine gun, the MG 08/15. This bad boy can spray death at an alarming rate. He can tear up infantry without issue. He can't aim down sights however and can't equip a gas mask, meaning long-range encounters and gas are his weaknesses. He makes up for this not only with his impressive firepower but also with his hefty armor, which means it'll take a team effort to take a Sentry down.

On the Sinai Desert map the Sentry can be picked up near the F capture point.

The Sentry also comes equipped with a knife for melee and can carry one of a selection of three types of grenades. The load-out is topped out by an unlockable sidearm in the form of a shotgun and the Trench Periscope and Anti-Tank grenade gadgets.


Battlefield 1 Elite Classes: Tank Hunter

The Tank Hunter Elite Class uses the incredible Tankgewehr M1918 gun. This might be a gun, but it's not designed for killing humans - it's slow firing and is meant to be used on heavy armor from a distance. Lighter vehicles will be turned into scrap in a matter of moments, while a few shots can disable even the most deadly of armor.

This massive gun can only be fired when it's been mounted. That means you have to mount the gun on a window edge or other low-sitting ledges or get down prone. The gun is too big to fire in your bare hands, but its damage output more than makes up for that inconvenience.

On the Sinai Desert map the Tank Hunter can be found in the middle of the desert near the E capture point.

The Tank Hunter also comes equipped with a knife for melee and can carry one of a selection of three types of grenades. The load-out is topped out by an unlockable sidearm in the form of a shotgun and the Trench Periscope and Anti-Tank grenade gadgets.


Battlefield 1 Elite Classes: Flame Trooper

The Flame Trooper Elite Class comes equipped with the Wex - which is a high-powered flamethrower weapon. This weapon will absolutely annihilate infantry at close range, but the flamethrower trooper does still have to be careful since the tank on his back can be ignited with a few well-placed shots. He's also permanently equipped with a gas mask, protecting him from gas in the trenches and in enclosed spaces but also meaning your vision is impaired.

He's bloody deadly up close, and if he needs to spread some fire a little further away you also have access to incendiary grenades.

The Flame Trooper elite class can be found near the B capture point on the Sinai Desert map.

The Flame Trooper also comes equipped with a knife for melee and can carry one of a selection of three types of grenades. The load-out is topped out by an unlockable sidearm in the form of a shotgun and the Trench Periscope and Anti-Tank grenade gadgets.

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