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WoW character customisation charges are a "deterrent," says Blizzard

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Charges to make post-roll changes to World of Warcraft characters are supposed to be a "deterrent" to constant use, Blizzard told Eurogamer yesterday, similar to the existing name change and server transfer services.

"When you create your character, often times you wish you'd done things differently. You wish you were on a different realm, you wish you'd had a different name or you wish you'd chosen a different look and feel to your character," said Blizzard COO Paul Sams.

"This is a way for [players] to be able to do that, but it's something that's taking a lot of time and energy for us to be able to put in place. We also think that it's important to have some consistency in the game, we don't want people changing their look and feel every day."

The functionality has been added along with the launch of Wrath of the Lich King.

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