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World of Warcraft Patch 7.1.5 to include Micro-Holidays, Brawler’s Guild Season 3, class updates

Patch 7.2: The Tomb of Sargera might have been the big reveal for World of Warcraft at BlizzCon 2016 this weekend, but before it drops, a "smaller" update will be deployed.


We say "smaller" only because that's how Blizzard described it, but it doesn't seem small at all, truth be told.

Now that Patch 7.1: Return to Karazhan is out in the wild, the developer is preparing for the release of Update 7.1.5. It will contain evergreen content, rewards, system updates, and new features such as Micro Holidays.

Below, you will find some of what players can expect when Patch 7.1.5 is deployed for Legion.

  • Timewalking in Pandaria: Six Mists of Pandaria dungeons will be added to the MMO's Timewalking cycle. These are: Temple of Jade Serpent, Stormstout Brewery, Shado-Pan Monastery, Gate of the Setting Sun, Mogu'shan Palace, and Siege of Niuzao Temple.
  • Brawler’s Guild Season 3: Season 2 concluded with Warlords of Draenor, but players can soon look forward to Season 3 when the update releases. There will be new bosses and a new challenge in the form of Rumbles which will occasionally pull spectators in to battle a raid boss. Brawler’s Gold can be earned to acquire "communal benefits for fellow Brawlers," and to purchase new awards. "Plus, there are shirts. Lots and lots of shirts," and a basilisk mount.
  • Micro-Holidays: These short-term holidays will feature various activities, and are meant to be participated in for fun, rather than for game-changing rewards found in events like Winter Veil. These micro-holidays may only last for 24 hours to celebrate a specific moment in Azeroth's history. Blizzard intends to add more micro-holidays and more "to them" over time.
  • Blade’s Edge Arena Update: The arena is being given a new "coat of paint" to look consistent with the rest of the world. A new feature is also being introduced in the form of shoutcasts. These will be performed by an ogre announcer.
  • Class Updates: Most class updates since Legion launched have been applied through hotfixes, but with 7.1.5 Blizzard is "trying to tackle some of the broader class issues." For one, the team is looking to increase the diversity of talents. According to the developer, talent rows needs some fine-tuning so everyone feels they are able to customize characters to their liking. Relative weightings of secondary stats such as Haste, Mastery, and Crit are also being looked into with an effort on making sure gaps between best and worst aren't large enough to distort gameplay.

Blizzard said one of its "key goals" when launching Legion for World of Warcraft was to deliver a "steady stream of content throughout the expansion."

"We want to make sure there’s always something to look forward to," said the studio. "We also want to take better advantage of the very nature of MMOs by providing a living, breathing world, with things changing day-to-day or week-to-week, and offering a wide variety of content and new rewards."

To do this, Blizzard decided to rebuild its patch structure with Legion and deliver players content updates which "vary in size."

A release date for Patch 7.1.5 was provided, but the studio said it would be released on the Public Test Realm "in the near future."

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