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Wii U: Amazon ships Nintendo Land bundles without games, offers download codes

Wii U premium console bundles were shipped via Amazon without copies of Nintendo Land in the box. The retailer has apologised and is now offering download codes for the game to all customers affected. Get the details below.

Videogamer reports that letters sent out to affected customers cites a "Supplier error" for the gaffe, and stated that only a "Small number" of people didn't receive the game as intended.

The email reads, "It's been brought to our attention that a small number of orders for this item may have been delivered without the advertised game, Nintendo Land, due to supplier error.

"In the event that your order was one of the small number missing the game, please use the following code and instructions below, to download the game."

The site also reports that every customer who bought a Wii U premium bundle will receive a code for the 3.2GB download of Nintendo Land - even if you did receive the game as intended. You could always give it to a friend for Christmas.

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