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Why Nintendo isn't talking about the NX

Nintendo revealed it has a new console in the works but then refused to give any more information. Why?


Although the new console was announced in March, Nintendo won't be talking about the NX until next year at the earliest, which has left many fans frustrated. Speaking at a recent investor briefing, president Satoru Iwata said the new platform was announced earlier than usual to discourage speculation Nintendo would be going into the mobile market through a new deal with DeNA.

"NX was announced as a new platform alongside the DeNA venture. The NX was announced then to indicate that we are not retreating from game platforms and will continue the hardware business," Iwata said.

"Normally, the announcement would've been made later. It was like revealing a magic trick ahead of time.

"New proposals require surprises to follow. Such information on the NX won't be announced until 2016. No announcements today."

Later, Iwata said Nintendo can't reveal its hand too early, or competitors may steal its ideas.

"We can't talk about the NX. If we do, competitors may take our ideas and customers won't be surprised," he said.

This all comes via Japanese Twitter user Nstyles reporting live on the briefing, with well-known and trusted Japanese newshound Cheesemeister translating.

Twitter links: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7

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