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What is Square Enix Japan teasing?

Square Enix, if you are making a new Star Ocean so help me it had better be a proper console game with a western release.


Following on from the Deus Ex: Mankind Divided reveal this week, Square Enix Japan has something in the works too.

A new teaser site labelled "secret" has opened up, and some text is being gradually revealed. At the moment it looks like a title and a date. The site's background image is of a blue planet.

Square Enix's Japanese teaser sites have been a little disappointing in the past, from a core console perspective, as many of them have been for a mobile and Japan-only releases. But we can hold out hope, right? JRPG fans have been hoping for a number of revivals, and that image does feel a little Star Ocean-y, doesn't it?

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