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"We screwed up," says apologetic PayDay 2 developer

PayDay 2 developer Overkill Software has reached out to its most loyal fans, apologising for a rough few weeks.


PayDay fans have been in an uproar ever since the Black Market update introduced game balance-altering microtransaction items. Although Overkill later made changes ensuring the content could be accessed for free, the new system provoked a furious reaction.

Although Overkill said that the Black Market content was working out financially, suggesting lots of players didn't mind the addition, things have been pretty uncomfortable on the co-op shooter's Steam Community page and subReddit.

In an attempt to put an end to the drama, Overkill has extended an olive branch, offering an apology for recent events and vowing to improve.

"The past few weeks have been some of the most challenging in the history of this community," producer Almir Listo wrote on PayDay 2's Steam Community page.

"Players have been angry with us, media have written about us en masse and our volunteer moderators went on strike. For all the distress we've caused the past few weeks, I'd just like to take the time and say that we’re sorry. We've done a lot of things right in the past, but these past few weeks we screwed up."

Listo then said Overkill is going to do its best to improve "at many things" as soon as possible.

The developer has done more than just offer a statement; it agreed to a two hour discussion with volunteer moderators to go over community feedback, which you can watch in the video below.

Overkill has also arranged meetings with prominent members of the modding community, as well as a representative from the Russian player base, and will even be covering travel costs to bring some modders to its offices in Stockholm.

Elsewhwre in the post, Listo provided multiple updates fans have been asking for, on the console builds of PayDay 2, new voice work on its way to the game, and Overkill's plants to make PayDay 2 a tournament game.

Moving forward, Overkill intends to be more communicative. Eight Overkill developers will actively participate in forum discussions rather than merely observing passively.

"We will let you know more information as discussions continue regarding many of the issues we intend to improve on," Listo said.

"We will be reading our public Steam forums closely for feedback and we will be engaging in community discussions as much as we possibly can."

Let's hope Overkill's efforts at communication will help find solutions that satisfy its development goals and mollify its hardcore fanbase. It's a shame to see veteran players walk away from a game they loved.

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