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War Thunder on PC and PS4 is the same "in terms of gameplay, content and everything," says Gaijin

War Thunder, the MMO military title from Gaijin Entertainment, will be the same game on PS4 as it is on PC "in terms of gameplay, content and everything," the firm's president and CEO Anton Yudintsev has said.

Speaking with Polygon, Yudintsev said since the game will be updated simultaneously, it should be working the same way on both systems since it offers cross-play.

"In order to make [an] online game working cross-platform, you need much faster updates," said Yudintsev. "One month of QA-ing of [an] update is not suitable for an online game. And you need the infrastructure [and] ecosystem suitable for that."

Gaijin announced last week that the air combat MMO has acquired five million registered players within a year since open beta testing began in Russia, and according to Yudintsev, three quarters of players are new to flight combat games.

The number of new players to the genre can be attributed to War Thunder's simplified airplane control scheme, a scheme which will be the same on PS4 - although like with the PC and Mac versions, skilled players will have more in-depth control options available.

War Thunder will be released in Europe on PS4 and PC November 29 and the game will arrive in North America by the end of the year.

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