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Video: Rocksteady has "lots of exciting ideas" for next game

Batman: Arkham Asylum and Arkham City developer Rocksteady is enthusiastic about its next project.

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"We have lots of exciting ideas about what we want to do next," game director Sefton Hill told us at the 2012 BAFTAs, where Rocksteady's Batman: Arkham City nabbed the Best Action game award.

"It's kind of interesting. When you come to the end, you feel like you've put everything in; it's really convergent, the end of the game. And then when you start a new game it's diverging, and everything becomes possible again.

"Immediately we sat down and thought right, what do we do next? And there were so many exciting ideas on the table."

Nobody's ready to say what Rocksteady's next project will be, but Hill admitted he has Bats on the brain.

"You're constantly thinking about what can we do to improve the game," he said.

"If you could press CTRL+ALT+DEL in my brain, it would be 90% Batman at any given time. It sort of means that I can't function in any other social capacity other than to talk about Batman," he joked.

See our full chat with the positively glowing Rocksteady guys above.

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