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Tuesday Shorts, morning edition - RIFT security app, APB beta update, Streets of Rage fan game shut down

This round of little gaming nibbles contains both "stuff" and "nonsense", and sometimes both at the same time. It's the future, you know.

  • Big Download has a trailer for PC indie strategy Anomaly Warzone Earth. Save the world, maybe kill some things.
  • After ongoing security scares, Trion Worlds has released an iOS app to secure your RIFT account. More deets on Massively.
  • The rights to the Gothic franchise may have returned to original developer Piranha Bytes.
  • Sega has smacked the hammer down on a Streets of Rage remake put together by fans.
  • The other two entries in the DS trilogy beginning with Duke Nukem: Critical Mass have not been shelved. Thanks, Go Nintendo.
  • APB: Reloaded will stay in closed beta for now, but a new round of invites is on the way.
  • Warner Bros. has got some pro cosplayers in for upcoming Mortal Kombat tournaments in Europe, and what they lack in clothing they make up for with boobs. Sigh.
  • CVG reports Nintendo is bringing Namco Bandai's DS RPG Solatorobo: Red the Hunter to Europe this summer.
  • Dawn of War II: Retribution has been patched.


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