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Tomb Raider's quick time events just a "small sweep" of dramatic toolset

Tomb Raider won't rely as heavily on quick-time events as E3 previews suggested, according to Crystal Dynamics.

"Quick-time sequences is something we will leverage in the game," creative director Noah Hughes confirmed with Gamespot.

"One of the things which is absolutely important to us is to deliver an intense and cinematic experience. At very specific times, we feel we can do that best - while still delivering challenging gameplay - in a quick-time type event.

"Having said that, it really isn't the primary tool that we use to deliver drama during the game."

Hughes nominated camera work, animation, audio and "big events in the world" as other key tools for delivering "emotional impact".

"As our first space, that one relies a bit heavily on the quick time tools," he conceded of the level seen in previews earlier this year.

"But ultimately, that's a small sweep of our dramatic gameplay experience."

Tomb Raider is due on PC, PlayStation 3 and Xbox 360 in northern autumn 2012, and is the first complete reboot of the venerable franchise.

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