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Titanfall PC cheaters banished to cheater-only servers

Titanfall's promised ramp up of anti-cheat measures has borne fruit, with cheaters corralled together away from their innocent, ethical foes.

On March 17, Respawn Entertainment said it would begin enforcing Titanfall anti-cheat measures. In a website update, the developer confirmed that it flicked the switch on March 21.

Using Fairfight, Respawn has been collecting data on cheaters since launch, but only began issuing Titanfall kicks last week. This has now progressed to full bans - of a sort.

If you've been banned, you'll see the following on the private lobby screen:


As you'll see, you're still able to play with a ban - but only with other banned players.

"You can play with other banned players in something that will resemble the Wimbledon of aimbot contests. Hopefully the aimbot cheat you paid for really is the best, or these all-cheater matches could be frustrating for you. Good luck," Respawn said.

The developer also warned that any players in a party with cheaters will be stuck on banned servers, too - so if you find yourself unfairly lumped in that category, drop your cheating friend like a hot potato and try again.

Thanks, IGN.

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