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Time Crisis: Razing Storm to launch November 3-5


The EU PlayStation blog has confirmed the latest iteration of Time Crisis, Razing Storm is headed for a Novermber 3 launch in mainland Europe, with the UK and Ireland following suit on November 5.

Razing Storm goes a little beyond the standard Time Crisis formula. While its arcade mode is "on rails" - just point and shoot - the game's story mode allows players to move with a control in one hand, and aim and shoot with another.

The PlayStation Move-compatible shooter features destructible environments and includes full versions of Time Crisis 4 and Deadstorm Pirates.

Despite this largesse, Razing Storm will be where the online juice is at, with support for eight-player deathmatch.

Warm up your trigger finger - a demo for the game is scheduled to hit October 27 on the PlayStation Store.

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