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There might be a Duke Nukem announce at The Game Awards, since all things are possible in an infinite universe

A new Duke Nukem game? A Duke Nukem crossover with Gears of War 4? I'm honestly not just making s**t up out of holiday boredom, I swear.

Well here's a turn up for the books: Randy Pitchford, Gearbox CEO and games executive voted Most Likely To Pre-Announce Surprises, has teased something happening next week.

Responding to one of the Cog Connected crew on Twitter, Pitchford said Gearbox will make an announce on December 1. Given the timing, you can almost certainly expect the announcement during The Game Awards.

As for what it might be, the tweet was in response to a joke about a Gears of War and Duke Nukem crossover. This seemed a lot less unlikely before the Run the Jewels Gears of War 4 DLC, and Duke's at least close to the right shape for a Gears of War multiplayer character, but I'm still betting it's something purely Duke Nukem, personally.

Or it could be something completely different. Who even knows? Maybe it's Borderlands 3 but Pitchford got so excited he seized on the smallest possible excuse to upend the PR plan. That's what being the boss is about, isn't it?

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