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Hybrid engine used for Ninja Gaiden Sigma 2, says Hayashi


Team Ninja's Yosuke Hayashi has said in an interview that Ninja Gaiden Sigma 2 is running off of a hybrid engine developed for Ninja Gaiden 2 as well as one created for the original Sigma on PS3.

Reasoning? It's apparently more difficult to port from Xbox 360 onto PS3, he said, thus the creation of the engine.

"In terms of having to have to basically split the memory going from Xbox 360 to PS3, [this] to us was a rather easier thing to do because it wasn't like taking that one bucket full of memory and then having to have to figure out how to split it so that it goes appropriately into each slot that PS3 is basically providing us," he told Gamasutra.

"We kind of had a way, or formula, that was already almost figured out by the time we knew that we we're going to move on to PS3, and it was an easier method for us, because we had both the engines that we had worked on for the previous Sigma as well as Ninja Gaiden 2.

As a result, Hayashi says that a multiplatform engine that covers both the Xbox 360 and PS3 is now available to Team Ninja for future titles.

"It's not just a port of 2 to PS3. It's not just something that we're taking and cutting and pasting," he added. "We're trying to incorporate all these different elements that we've created so far in the series and put it all into one package."

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