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Team Ninja: Dead or Alive: Dimensions on 3DS for a "different perspective"

Team Ninja boss Yosuke Hayashi has said it picked 3DS for Dead or Alive: Dimensions because it offered a "different perspective" on the series.

"Our main reason for choosing the 3DS was creating Dead or Alive from a bit of a different perspective… no pun intended," Hayashi told GamesRadar.

"We could have just continued on consoles the way we had up to this point, but we decided we wanted to give players a portable experience – let them hang out together with a bunch of friends and just play it.

"The 3DS felt like a platform where we could most easily realize that. It gave us the opportunity to really flesh out a fresher, portable experience rather than simply doing a direct port. The 3DS simple felt like a good match for what we wanted to do with the game."

Hayoshi also says that Dimensions hasn't toned down despite the fact it's been given a T rating by the ESRB, which normally gives M ratings to the series.

"Our core fighting action has always been more in line with the 'T' rating, really. The main difference is that, in the previous games, some of the movies and sequences could get a bit racy," he said.

"That’s more or less why the ESRB gave us an 'M'. As a result, the whole game needed to be M-rated. But we want fans to know that we haven’t changed or toned down anything here. The fighting’s still as intense as ever, and you’ll still get plenty of fanservice. I guess the ESRB decided this time that our cinematics were on the 'T' level, so that’s why we’ve got the rating."

Dead or Alive: Dimensions launches in May for 3DS.

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