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Tacoma's release date pushed out to 2017

Tacoma's voyage beyond the stars no longer set for launch in 2016.

News of the follow up to Fullbright's debut Gone Home has been sparse since the game was first announced at The Game Awards in 2014. And now we know why.

In a post on their blog, developer Fullbright has announced that their first-person space adventure Tacoma will now be launching in Spring, 2017.

Originally slated for a release later this year, Fullbright has chalked the delay up to a mix of internal and developer feedback. Explaining in their post that "We’ve made some decisions about where the game was at and how much time and attention we believe it deserves, and have decided to give it the extra time it needs."


This work apparently involved reevaluating key assumptions the team held about the game, including the way gravity works, the function and implication of Augmented Reality, as well as how the player interacts with story elements.

"We dove in and took this job seriously," the post continues, "redefining a number of elements that really needed it. It’s been an important process (and we’ve recently sent out another playtest, the response to which has made our months of deep-structure soul-searching feel very worth it) but it’s also taken time… time that would’ve otherwise been devoted to getting the game further on toward being finished and shipped."

It isn't all bad news for Tacoma fans, though. With the post closing out by teasing that they have "some very exciting stuff in store..."

What could it be? According to Fullbright we'll be seeing more of the revitalised Tacoma this coming summer. So we'll just have to wait and see.

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