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Super Smash Bros. Ultimate's next fighter will be an Arms character

The next fighter to join the Super Smash Bros. Ultimate roster will be an Arms character.

Super Smash Bros. Ultimate players will be able to fight using one of the characters from the game Arms.

The character will be part of the Ultimate Fighters Pass Vol. 2 and released in June.

Fighters Pass Vol. 2 will be the last post-launch content to be released for the game. It will come with six fighters, bringing the total number of fighters to 88.

It will run you $29.99 and each of the staggered releases contains one new fighter, one stage, and multiple music tracks.

Those who purchase Fighters Pass Vol. 2 will also receive an exclusive costume for Mii Swordfighter, and the Ancient Soldier Gear from the Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild.

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