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Suda51 discusses next action game, due 2014

Grasshopper Manufacture boss Goichi Suda has discussed his next action game in a new interview. It follows the studio's recent batch of teaser art, which smells a lot like a No More Heroes spin-off starring Shinobu.

First, check out the game's first teaser art here.

Speaking with Edge, Suda said, "Of course it's an action game and it'll be on console platforms. We're considering various console platforms right now."

When asked if this signified a switch to next-gen formats or a current gen release, Suda replied, "We're considering both. Naturally we are interested in developing games for the next-gen platforms. We are investigating the specs and all that right now.

He continued, "This is going to be an action game obviously but the gameplay style is going to differ very much - it'll be unique," and added that it will have some kind of social functionality, "On the simplest level it will be social, but the word social is used and misinterpreted a lot these days. GungHo has over ten years of experience in providing online gaming services so that is their strength."

What would you like to see next from the team? Let us know below.

Thanks OXM.

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