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Steampunk fantasy game Edge of Twilight back in production after three year hiatus

In 2009, Australian based studio Fuzzyeyes were in the midst of creating the ultra impressive and promising looking post apocalypse steampunk themed fantasy game Edge of Twilight, when the company ran into financial difficulty and had to let go of all its local staff. Now, three years later, the publisher is back as Fuzzyeyes Entertainment and has announced that the game is back.

Courtesy of AusGamers, the game is now planned as a series, with the first installment due out in the next few weeks.

In the press release the series is described, "The Edge of Twilight series is a multiplatform, diverse-genre series of steampunk titles, all taking place in the same world, one in which night and day exist as separate realms. The series will not commit to a set genre, but instead focus on a set world, flushing out the characters, world, and story throughout the series. The first title, which is set for release in late 2012, will carry the name of the series itself, Edge of Twilight, and will focus around Lex, a half-breed who can bridge the gap between the realms of darkness and light. This forthcoming title will be an action/adventure game with heavy focus on gameplay, story, and puzzles."

It appears as though development resumed in 2011 out of the Japan and Taiwan offices of the joint venture made up of JDJC and Fuzzyeyes as well as consulting firm Futai Engineering Co. It's not quite clear how they all fit together and gets a bit confusing in the press release.

It isn't clear whether any of the original employees who worked on the game are back or if it even resembles the game that was shown back in 2008 and 2009 but we're assured the trailers from then still stand.

The series official site features three images, "2012", "2013", and "summer 2013" which could be hinting at the release of each installment.

You can watch the old trailers on the AusGamers site who also have a video interview with Lead Designer at the time Andy Chrysafidis from TGS in 2008. The game was originally to be released on PC, Xbox 360 and PlayStation 3.

A VG24/7 story on the postponing of the game can be found here.

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