Starfield Guilty Parties: Should you side with Ularu or Imogene?
Ryujin Industries mole might not be who you think it is...
After having helped Ryujin Industries with multiple assignments in Starfield, you’ll have brought them one step closer to tracking down the mole within the corporation. That said, Dalton’s next assignment for you, ‘Guilty Parties’, will see you meeting the mole face to face and speaking to those involved.
There’s lots of discussions to be had, and decisions to be made about how you handle things. As per usual, we ideally don’t want to resort to violence, so here’s how to complete the Ryujin Industries ‘Guilty Parties’ quest in Starfield.
Starfield Guilty Parties quest guide
As Dalton assigns you the ‘Guilty Parties’ quest in Starfield, he’ll share that the data he has been looking at points at Imogene being the mole at Ryujin Corporations.
He will ask that you find her and bring her to him, and if she refuses, you’ll be ordered to kill her. Make your way to the Executive Offices where you’ll unsurprisingly find that she isn’t there.

Speak with Imogene’s colleague, Yuko Serrano, outside of her office. She’ll let you know that Imogene was last seen at Frankie’s Grab & Go in Neon, which is also a known Syndicate hideout.

You’ll now be given an optional quest to speak with Dalton before heading to Imogene’s location. Return to his office and talk to him; he will advise that to access the Syndicate hideout without any issues, you should go and speak with Benjamin Bayu first.

Make your way to the VIP area of the Astral Lounge, which is in Neon’s Trade Tower. Benjamin Bayu will agree to give you access to the Syndicate hideout if you do a favour for him; at this point in the dialogue, you’ll be presented with the option to persuade him.
When persuading Benjamin Bayu to help, select “A small gesture of good faith now could have a lot of weight later,” and he’ll oblige.

With that taken care of, make your way to Frankie’s Grab & Go in the Ebbside area of Neon. When you arrive, speak to Franchesca ‘Frankie’ Moore at the front counter. She will tell you that the third floor of the Syndicate hideout is completely off limits, and that Imogene can be found in the backroom.
Make your way into the Syndicate hideout, whose entrance is a fridge door in the back of Frankie’s Grab & Go. Then make your way to the Syndicate Backroom to speak with Imogene.

Imogene will explain that she is being framed by Ularu, and has all the evidence needed to clear her on a Data Slate. She’ll then ask that you take the slate to Dalton, and will refuse to come with you as it won’t be safe for her.
You’ll have the choice to leave Imogene behind or kill her where she stands, which means you can later side with Ularu. Additionally, leaving Imogene alive won't upset Dalton, so you can make your decision later after you have confronted Ularu.
Should you side with Ularu or Imogene in Starfield?
It’s up to you whether you side with Imogene or Ularu, and your decision will not have a significant impact on later quests, aside from how dialogue unfolds.
That said, good and neutral players will likely want to side with Imogene, who is telling the truth. If you’re going for a more morally ambiguous run of Starfield though, you can side with Ularu. In this particular guide, we chose to side with Imogene.
At the Syndicate hideout, we left Imogene alive and returned to Ryujin Tower. As you exit the elevator, you’ll speak to Yuko again. You’ll also have an optional objective to confront Ularu, so go to her office and do that.

You’ll soon get the opportunity to persuade Ularu to admit that she is the mole. If you fail the Persuasion check, don’t worry. You’ll then be able to select the dialogue option “[Lie] Tell me the truth and I’ll hand over the evidence I have against you.”
As a result, Imogene will confess that she leaked Project Dominion to Infinity LTD, and will try to argue that she is not a mole. She will instead tell you how weak Ryujin Industries’ leader, Masako, is, and will make it quite clear that she’s hoping to overthrow her.
Ularu will then ask who’s side you’re on, and you’ll be given an opportunity to verbalise your decision. We chose “I don’t care how you frame it. You’re a traitor, and I’m with Masako,” as we’re siding with Imogene. You can also attack Imogene if you choose this, but killing her will upset Dalton and Ryujin Industries.
If you wish to side with Ularu, select any option that says “I’m on your side.”
With that conversation over, return to Dalton in his office. Hand over the Data Slate to him and explain that Ularu has just confessed to being the mole. He, fortunately, won’t be mad that you left Imogene alive given the situation, and will explain that he’s going to look through the data and arrange a report on who the mole is.
This concludes the ‘Guilty Parties’ quest, and kicks off your next assignment with Ryujin Industries, ‘The Key Ingredient.’