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Square's Shiba "looking forward to hardware improvements" in PSP2


Square Enix producer Takamasa Shiba has told VG247 that he is looking forward to hardware improvements afforded by the yet-to-be-announced PSP2.

Speaking with us in Tokyo regarding upcoming PSP actioner Lord of Arcana, Shiba said that while hardware is something that's constantly being both created and tweaked, software needs to be created to push new hardware on consumers.

"There are a lot of things I’m excited for the PSP2, but I’m more interested in hardware specifics rather than a unique feature," said Shiba.

"Hardware is always coming out, so the software needs to be pushing the hardware as well. So, if they put something in that’s very unique then it is hard to create games for it.

"As a creator, I’m looking forward to mainly hardware improvements."

PSP2 has become one of the worst kept secrets in gaming. Rumored to be codenamed "Veta," the handheld's existence has yet to be confirmed by Sony, but, clearly, many developers have had kits in-house for quite some time: developers such as Netherrealm Studios and EA.

Late last year, VG247 received grainy shots of the PSP2 dev kit, and numerous technical specs for the handheld have been released over recent months.

PSP2 is expected to release in late 2011.

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