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Sony taking an "open stance" with PS Suite expansion to other platforms

Want to kick back and take a load off with some of your favorite PlayStation classics? Well then, buy an Android phone. (Or, we suppose, a PlayStation.)

Alternatively, if you absolutely must bring your pals Cloud, Crash Bandicoot, and Car From Gran Turismo with you on the bus, you could always wait. But - based on recent comments from SCE CEO Kaz Hirai - you might want to get comfortable.

"We have a completely open stance with carriers and with hand set makers," Hirai said during a media roundtable following the recent PlayStation Meeting (as translated by Andriasang).

"There are a variety of OSes," he added. "But we're focusing first on Android. There's also Windows, iOS and so forth, but we don't have the resources to make it compatible with everything from the start."

For now, the PlayStation Suite's scope is somewhat limited. It's kicking off with emulated PS1 games (though the plan is to expand out to become a "hardware-neutral" development platform) and is currently limiting its conquest to Android-based handsets. Hirai, however, mentioned that Android tablets are the next big target, but at the end of the day, it's all about what people want.

"We're not ruling out PSS even on products like Sony Internet TV Powered by Google (Google TV) if adoption rate increases, or if it will help push adoption greatly," he said.

So there you have it. Sony's brought enough cake for all the kids in the class, but the line goes on for days.

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