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Sony Pictures domains point to Assassin's Creed film deal

A spate of suspicious domain registrations have added weight to reports that Sony Pictures has won the film rights to Assassin's Creed.

Fusible spotted not one, not two, not even three but 16 Assassin's Creed movie-related domain registrations, all of them traceable to Sony Pictures.

All were secured on October 20, immediately before the whispers of a deal between Ubisoft and Sony Pictures kicked off.

According to rumours, Ubisoft is soon to announce the results of a battle between Univeral and Sony for the right to the franchise. Collaboration with Ubisoft’s Motion Pictures arm is said to have been a key factor in the Ubisoft's decision to go with Sony. Did you see Prince of Persia: The Sands of Time? Yeahhh.

The next Assassin's Creed game is Revelations, which releases on PlayStation 3 and Xbox 360 in mid-November, and ties up a number of loose story threads. The following instalment, expected in 2012, is said to complete the story of meta-protagonist Desmond, giving any potential film adaptation a complete plot to work from.

Thanks, Kotaku.

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