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Sony confirms PlayStation 4K, but it won't be at E3 2016

Sony has finally confirmed the existence of an upgraded PlayStation 4 console.


Sony confirms PlayStation 4K, but it won't be at E3 2016

Andrew House, president of Sony Interactive Entertainment has confirmed to Financial Times that an upgraded version of PlayStation 4 is currently in the works.

House referred to it as the "high-end PS4", and said it won't be at this year's E3. House also revealed that it would be more expensive than the current $350 model.

"It is intended to sit alongside and complement the standard PS4," House said. "We will be selling both [versions] through the life cycle."

The upgraded console will support ultra-high definition (UHD) 4K resolutions, as has been rumoured for a while. Sony is targeting "hardcore gamers" and consumers with 4K TVs, according to House.

"We want to ensure we have a full range of the best experiences on the new system that we can showcase in their entirety," House added, explaining why the new console will be a no-show at E3.

"All games will support the standard PS4 and we anticipate all or a very large majority of games will also support the high-end PS4"

Tackling the worry some have that releasing multiple hardware versions would make things harder for developers, House said the extra work needed will be "small but manageable". "All games will support the standard PS4 and we anticipate all or a very large majority of games will also support the high-end PS4." House added.

"The consumer is attuned to a different cadence of innovation in technology thanks in great part for the upgrades cadence on mobile phones or PC," House went on, adding that PS4K exists because Sony saw an opportunity to offer "some additional benefits" to consumers as well as developers.

Finally, the executive said the PS4K will not be sold at a loss, the same approach the company had with the launch of the regular PS4.

We first heard of an upgraded PlayStation 4 back in March, after a number of developers talked about it with one another at GDC.

These reports was later corroborated by various sites, including a more recent one by Giantbomb that revealed more details about the specs and power target for the console, which was referred to as 'PS4 Neo'.

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