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Sonic: Lost World reviews are go, get all the scores here

Sonic: Lost World reviews are dropping fast, and you can find a round-up below. The game's out on both Wii U and 3DS, so I'll differentiate where possible. If you have a score you'd like included, drop it in the comments.


Joystiq - 2.5/5

Polygon - 4/10

Nintendo Life - 5/10

God is a Geek - 8/10

Pocket Gamer - 8/10

Edge - 4/10

Official Nintendo Magazine- 79%

Meus Jogos (Portuguese) - 3/5

Wii U

Joystiq - 2.5/5

Polygon - 6/10

Nintendo Life - 7/10

Eurogamer - 4/10

CVG - 7/10

God is a Geek - 8/10

IGN - 5.8/10

GameSpot - 5/10

Videogamer - 5/10

Nintendo Insider - 8/10

Digital Spy - 4/5

Official Nintendo Magazine - 80%

Destructoid - 7.5/10

FNintendo (Portuguese) - 7/10

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