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Snow brings CryEngine 3-powered free roam mountain to Steam Early Access

Indie winter sport mountain sandbox Snow is now available through Steam Early Access, so if you've ever wanted to just roam about all over a gloriously beautiful snowy mountain at your leisure, you can now do so without risk of chilblains.

Three-person Swedish indie Poppermost Productions has been busily working away behind the scenes since we last checked in with Snow, with the result that it is now playable if you buy-in to the alpha via Steam Early Access.

The final game will be free-to-play. Those who get onboard now and financially support development will be rewarded with exclusive content when the public access beta build goes live next year, bringing snowboarding and online multiplayer with it.

Snow's main selling point is its free-roaming experience; currently it boasts just one mountain, Sialia, but it's an 8 km², totally open environment in which players can do whatever they want, competing for spots on the leaderboards.

Unusually for an indie, Snow has attracted a huge number of licenses, which makes for fancy customisaiton options, and freeskiing heroes Tanner Hall, Tom Wallisch and Russ Henshaw have been involved in the development process.

New catalogue items and environments are on the way with Poppermost promising "constant" updates.

A new trailer and screens follow.

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