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SimCity marketing campaigns suspended temporarily - report

And in more SimCity news, EA has suspended its marketing campaign for the game in light of all the issues its launch has faced this week.

This is according an email handed over to Polygon which was apparently sent out to EA's marketing affiliates.

The email states that affiliates "please remove any copy promoting SimCity from your website for the time-being."

"To be clear we are continuing to payout commissions on all SimCity sales that are referred, however we are requesting that you please stop actively promoting the game," the email reads.

"We will notify you as soon as the SimCity marketing campaigns have been resumed and our promotional links are once again live in the Linkshare interface. We apologize for any inconveniences that this may cause, and we thank you for your cooperation."

Hopefully that will help alleviate extra potential stress on the servers until EA can finally get things sorted out.

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