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Sega is bringing three of its Virtual-On games to PS4 in Japan

Cyber Troopers Virtual-On: Masterpiece 1995-2001 will package together three major Virtual-On titles on the PS4.

As Polygon has reported, the first three Virtual-On games will be released digitally as a collection. It'll feature Cyber Troopers Virtual-On, Virtual-On Oratorio Tangram, and Virtual-On Force. The collection was announced at Tokyo Game Show.

The Virtual-On games are fast-paced mech combat titles that largely lived in Japanese arcades in the 1990s and early 2000s. Virtual-On Oratorio Tangram has previously been released on Xbox 360, too. The series has largely been dormant for the last fifteen years.

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All three games will have online multiplayer for battles, team battles, and tournaments. It will also, reportedly, support the Tanita twin-stick flight controls.

The collection has not been confirmed for a western release yet: Virtual-On has never quite been as big outside of Japan. We'll let you know if that changes.

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