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Scribblenauts Unlimited recalled from European stores at last minute - rumour

Scribblenauts Unlimited has been delayed in Europe. The move was announced yesterday ahead of the game's original launch day this Friday. A new source has suggested that the game was in stores, waiting to be sold, but that it was recalled in the 11th hour.

Go Nintendo reports that a source close to the site - I'm guessing someone who works in a game store, based on my past experience of recalls - says the games were in stores, waiting to be sold on Friday.

However, the source adds that the 3DS and Wii U editions both contain bugs that needed fixed. They claim the issue was "So important that Nintendo asked retailers to yank the game before it was on sale", and that, "Those copies are now on their way back to Nintendo."

Regardless, you can read my appraisal of the game right here, tomorrow.

Thanks Nintendo Life.

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