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5th Cell and Warner Bros. being sued over use of Keyboard Cat and Nyan Cat in Scribblenauts

Warner Bros. and 5th Cell are being sued by the creators of Internet memes Keyboard Cat and Nyan Cat over copyright infringement.

Both cats are features as Easter Eggs in Scribblenauts, Super Scribblenauts, Scribblenauts Remix, and Scribblenauts Unlimited.

Keyboard Cat creator Charles Schmidt and Nyan Cat GIF creator Christopher Orlando Torres have also filed for trademark infringement.

"For the past three years, WB, along with game developer 5th, have knowingly and intentionally infringed plaintiffs' copyrights and trademarks by using 'Nyan Cat' and Fatso's image in WB's top selling 'Scribblenauts' games," the complaint reads. "Including, most recently, 'Scribblenauts Unlimited', which WB released in 2011."

Both state their creations were used without license or authorization and are seeking an unknown amount in monetary damages along with attorney fees.

According to Eurogamer, neither meme was trademarked until 2010, and the first Scribblenauts game was released in 2009. And while the footage of Keyboard Cat was recorded in 1984, it only became famous in 2009.

Scribblenauts contains many instances of Internet jokes such as Rickroll, Dramatic Chipmunk, and more.

Since we don't want to get sued as well, we're using a shot of our own keyboard cat in this post.

Hit the links for more information.

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