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The Old School RuneScape Shattered Relics league has launched today

An opportunity to play RuneScape with a massive XP boosts and game-altering relics, now's a good time to get back into the classic MMORPG

It’s a great time to be a Old School RuneScape player right now, as the Shattered Relics league has gone live! This is a new challenging game mode for players to dive into, using Ironman rules that prevent players from trading and partaking in PvP.

Players who take part in the Shattered Relics league must compete to make it through the content available to them to earn valuable rewards. These in turn will allow them to access harder and harder content, and re-experience the game in a whole other light.

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During the tutorial, everything is locked off. Players first unlock a limited set of skills they can use, including defence, thieving, fishing, and a combat skill of their choice. With these, they must slowly make their way through the early game, unlocking new skills as they progress.

To help them achieve this, powerful relics have been scattered across the world, which players can earn from skilling, minigames, and defeating powerful bosses. These provide powerful buffs and strange alterations to any character that obtains them, acting as crucial boons that are needed to take on the upper echelon of content available. For players willing to experiment, these relics can combine to create extraordinary skill sets.

I must admit, I’ve not jumped into Old School RuneScape for some time. With the Shattered League looking to mix up the typical levelling experience, and that sweet experience-gain multiplier that makes the whole experience way quicker, this might just be what I needed to get back into it.

These leagues have previously proven successful at garnering the attention of the Old School RuneScape community, with the old Trailblazer league back in 2020 bringing in around 170,000 concurrent players. Fingers crossed the league will prove just as popular this time around.

The Shattered League is running from today until March 3. So if you’ve been meaning to hop back into Old School RuneScape, this might be the time to do just that. If you’re planning on jumping into Old School RuneScape, let us know why below!

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