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Rumour - Motorstorm 3 seen in the wild [Update]


Update: SCEE, unsurprisingly, has given us a "no comment".

Original Story: Look. It's Motorstorm 3. Apparently.

A GAF poster has snapped a pic of someone on his friends list playing "Motorstorm 3: The First Playable".

This comes just a month after SCEE registered "" as a domain, which it later said it was "not uncommon" to do for the company, although wasn't meant to "be interpreted as an announcement of a new title" in the Evolution-developed IP.

The last PS3 title in the series was Pacific Rift in 2008. Motorstorm debuted with the console in 2006, with a PSP-spin off, Arctic Edge, released last year.

We'll send off an email to Sony, although don't hold your breath for anything concrete.

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