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Rumour - iPad 2 display to be twice as sharp as current model

ipad 2

According to a MacRumors report, the display for iPad 2 is to be doubled over the original model.

While the current SKU has a display of 1024x768, iPad 2 will apparently have a display of 2048x1536, according to icons found in V1.11 of iBooks.

For iPhone 4, Apple doubled the display of iPhone 3G from 480x320 to 960x640, which gave the phone its Retina display.

As MacRumors points out, the figure for iPad 2 isn't on a Retina display level, but it's still sharper then the current iPad.

This is just the latest of iPad 2 news that has gotten out before Apple's even announced it.

A protective case for the device was shown at CES a couple of weeks back, followed by the casing of a mock-up at the event.

Last week, a video of a mock-up appeared online from Vegas.

Apple hasn’t formally announced anything yet about an iPad 2, but it’s been reported that retail employees at the company have been restricted in taking any holidays between the last week of January and the first part of February, which seems to indicate an announcement might be on the way.

Thanks, BI.

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