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Rubin unsure as to why Bilson left THQ

There's been a changing of the guard at THQ.  However, that doesn't mean the new guard has any idea why the old guard is gone.

Speaking with Joystiq at E3 this past week, THQ's newly named president and Naughty Dog co-founder Jason Rubin was asked about Danny Bilson.  Namely, if he knew why he was let go.  Rubin replied:

"I don't think it's a question for me.  I wasn't here... I just know what I've inherited. And what I've inherited are some pretty darn good titles"

He went on to praise Bilson, stating that:

"If I look to Danny's past, I don't know what went wrong because I wasn't here, but I can tell you some things went right. Because I can't take any credit for Stick of TruthDarksiders ,Company of Heroes 2, or Metro. They're here as I come in. Where we go in the future will be my responsiblity."

And what a responsibility it will be.  The future is still uncertain for THQ, but with a strong showing at E3 and stock prices on the rise, here's to hoping they can swim out of troubled waters.

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