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Another Rock Band survey has surfaced and it has gotten our hopes up

A Rock Band survey has been released by Harmonix, and it asks participants a myriad of questions ranging from the importance of online multiplayer to backwards compatibility for DLC and instruments.


You can take the survey yourself through Survey Monkey (thanks, AGB). A previous survey was released in July last year.

The survey gives hope to those who were rather bummed over the sunsetting of Rock Band 3 DLC and support.

However, back in May 2014 Harmonix co-founder and CEO Alex Rigopulos stated in an AMA on Reddit to "stand by” because Rock Band “will be back” at some point. His comments reiterate those made during PAX East in 2014.

Earlier this month, Harmonix released DLC for the first time in 21 months after ceasing DLC support in April 2013

The new DLC includes tracks from Arctic Monkeys, Avenged Sevenfold, and Foo Fighters.

Hopefully the survey points to some good news on the horizon, because these were really fun games, not to mention playing it the music titles provides a sense of comradery with fellow players.

There was even a study done recently on Rock Band (via Polygon) which found the game lowers stress levels, and that it helped "generate meaningful levels of empathy" when strangers played it together.

Continue to keep hope alive, then.

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