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Rime's latest PS4 trailer is simply gorgeous

Rime is gorgeous and beautiful and we want it in our lives and on our PS4's sooner rather than later.

Rime takes place on a mysterious island, where a young boy awakens, lost, and must solve the puzzles of the open world to unlock its secrets. This new trailer gives us our first proper look at it.

There's a lot to unpack in the short video. Are those people turned to salt? And ... robots? There's several interesting themes here. I'm feeling a bit of Ico, a little Laputa: Castle in the Sky, a lot of sheer unbridled lust.

Rime was announced at gamescom 2013, when Tequila Works had very little to show. The developer seemed surprised (but gratified) by the enthusiasm press and fans summoned, but this new trailer goes a long way towards proving we were right to have faith, I think.

No release date yet. Sob.

Tequila Works' previous game Deadlight released via Xbox Live, and Microsoft lost its chance to publish this one, later admitting that was a grievous mistake. You're not wrong, lads.

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